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New Moon Ritual - Inviting In

This is a ritual to practice on the new moon.  To invite, welcome and allow new energies, positive cycles, habits, people, and mindset into your life.

The New Moon has clear translucent power.  This is the time in the month to push the restart button. It is the time to open wide to your desires and your goals.  Look and see if you’re on the path you want to be on and recalibrate if you have found yourself wandering off.  This is a beautiful and gentle time to reflect and open your heart, your mind and invite the energy in that feels good to you.   This is a way to start a new cycle of caring for yourself and others.  Invite the wanted in.  Allow room for your goals and desires to seed.  If you feel that you have too much unwanted in your life and need to let go first-  Start this ceremony with the full moon, which is a good time for letting go (I will be sending out instructions in our newsletter for that as the next one rolls around).  Sometime you have to let go first to make space for what you want.

This work will help you establish a new start and set intentions in work, love, friendships, health, personal growth, habits, home.  It can plant a seed for a life that you want to be living.  If you practice this monthly, you can start to see real shifts in your life. Open and let in. 

The Ceremony

Things To Gather:

  1. White candle (if you don’t have one then use any candle on hand)

  2. Writing tools: pen and paper

  3. Smudge stick- cedar, sage, juniper are all good

  4. A quiet space without disruption for an hour.

step 1: 
Take a shower or bath - this is a body clearing, put on something clean afterwards.

Step 2:: 
Find a quiet area where you won’t be disturbed. Place the candle and your writing material in that space and begin to set your intentions for this ceremony.  Think about what you want to bring into your life imagine what your life looks like after inviting this in.

Step 3:
As you start to think about your intentions, light the candle, smudge the area and yourself. continue thinking about your intentions, no need for a ton of detail, just focus on the overall feeling.

Step 4: 
Sit down comfortably. Close your eyes.  Find yourself breathing and follow your natural breathe. Do this for a few minutes, doesn’t need to be exact. just give yourself a moment to just watch your breathing without focusing on the next step. If a timer helps you relax; set a timer for 5 minutes.  When you notice your mind is lost in thought bring your focus back to your breathe. 

Step 5:
Again, bring to mind your intentions. Make a list of everything you want to bring into to your life right now even if it doesn’t seem realistic or in your control.  Make a list of the new; your dreams, new habits, new view point, new people, job, place, new self perception, anything you want to recreate in your life.
Now make a list of all of the feelings that this has brought up.  If all of these things came into your life how would you feel? 

Step 6:
When you are finished writing:  Take all of what was brought to mind and imagine having all of it.  Imagine how your body would feel, imagine what it would feel like walking around in the day, Imagine yourself without burden on your shoulder, without a tightness in your body. 

**quick note - It’s important not to be wishing harm or thinking badly about anyone or thing at this time. If you find yourself slipping in that direction, bring yourself back to inviting the positive into your life and the feeling surrounding that. 

As your imagining taking on these changes in your life - burn the paper/s you have been writing on with the candle.  Do it in your fireplace if you have one. . . If you’re worried about a fire, burn it in your sink or even your bathtub. Wherever you decide, let the entire thing burn.  
As it dissolves away into the air, continue to imagine these desires and goals manifesting as they transform in the fire. You can think of a bright white liquid light filling your body. starting with your heart and expanding out until it is seeping out of you. You can think about feeling weightless, open and clear.

Step 7: 
Once the paper has burned. Open a nearby window or door. Release the energy out into the open air.  Imagine it dissolving into the air and transforming.

Step 8:
Now that you have set your intentions and ignited a new way to let what you want into your life.  Think about all beings in the world and hold the wish that they too can have all that they dream of and desire.  Let go of that thought and just sit for a minute or two. close the ceremony by acknowledging the elements. thank the elements, earth, air, water, fire.

At the end of the ceremony: Take a moment to look at how you feel. Notice any subtle shifts in mind set.  It’s good to have a journal and write down for the next two weeks any thoughts feelings or moments that you find have any subtle shifts to them.

Step 9:
This is one of the most important steps!  for the next 2 weeks (until the full moon) It is important to do 2 things everyday.

  1. When you see any emotional patterns of closing your heart or old habits that stop you from inviting your desires in -release them again and again. Just imagine them floating out the window and dissolving. Then allow yourself to open again and again.

  2. Take a few minutes and imagine yourself truly happy. Imagine the feeling you have, imagine being loved and loving. AND If this involves a person or people: Take the nextmoment to imagine them truly happy.-laughing, clear minded, loved and loving. Make that wish for them. This may be very difficult. and you may not be able to do it, but try for 2 minutes everyday. This is a huge part of opening and inviting in!


In honor of the first new moon of 2017, I am offering a very special vibrational elixir! OPEN INSIGHT.  Made from the ancient Bristlecone Pine trees, the oldest trees in the world! 

This powerful elixir opens the chakras and helps one deeply listen to their inner voice.  It brings a deep wisdom and clarity to any decision or converstion that you are having with other or yourself. It roots your body and mind back into the place that you are physically standing in to bring an awareness of the present.  



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